Thursday, December 9, 2010

Break Out Charactor

 Zhou Ying (Tang Ying) - Tang Ying was involved in an accident 13 Years Ago. While she was celebrating her 12 Years Old Birthday,the family was involved in the car accident which make her whole family dead. She was the only survivor. Tang Ying was in coma for 13 years and she finally wake's up,the nurses told her that she had slept for 13 years an now she is 25 years old. Tang Ying was shock,but the nurses did not tell her that her "Mum,Daddy and Brother was killed in the accident.
Dai Yang Tian (Yang Zhen Feng)- A arrogant and Villian man. Zhen Feng is Tian Wei's son,Zhen Feng rather obeys his dad and does whatever his dad say's. He has a sister Yang Nian Qing (Jeanette Aw)
He does all the evil acts and was been court to jail and in thie court Tian Wei gave a huge sum of money to the lawyers. Zhen Feng walks out of the court freely.Zhen Feng lose his loved Suying (Rebecca Lim) an knocked onto Tang Ying and reminded him of Suying.

Jeanette Aw (Yang Nian Qing/Ye Zi Qing)
Zi Qing is Yang Tian Wei's Wife, Zi Qing was having a secret affair with Tang Yao Zu, and they were planning to leave to Hong Kong with her two children (Yang Zhen Feng and Yang Nian Qing) When Tian Wei new about it. He brings the family out to the sea. Tian Wei strangles Zi Qing and throw her into the sea thinking that Zi Qing was the one who cause their elder son death. Tian Wei loves Zi Qing most and was very upset. Tian Wei change Minhui's name to Yang Nian Qing of a memory of Zi Qing.
Yang Nian Qing grown up in a unfavourable enviroment and lose her Mother when she was only 12. And she suffered from depression.


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